Monday, December 19, 2011

The Latent Talent

Monday, December 19, 2011 92 Comments
We had to attend a friend's son's birthday party. We were dressing-up. As I kajal-ed myself, I shifted my focus on the mirror to the background. He looked 'So good!'. Before he caught me, I shifted back my focus. And.., Me: That jacket looks awesome on you! Why don't you wear that often?BH: (Smiling, as he combed his...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hither and Twitter

Monday, December 12, 2011 54 Comments
This is a peek into another window of my world - Twitter. Selected tweets. My favorites. I thought, you may like a few of them.  Lying to your girl friend? Two results are possible. You are excused Or Your ex-cussed. Love at first sight? Why not? If it is a big plot in a posh locality? No point in...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Letter W

Sunday, December 04, 2011 18 Comments
A guest post to bubbly Ashwini of Just The Way I like it. As a blogger, one can understand that she is a voracious reader, balanced and mature headed person. I find myself nodding the head saying "yeah.. Right" reading most of her write-ups. It was an honour to write for your blog Ashwini. Thank you :) The below post...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Does Life Change After Marriage?

Friday, November 25, 2011 91 Comments
Hell! YES! (I did not mean it changes to hell) I always ask back a rhetorical question. Is there any 'time' in your life which has not changed?  Here, I consider marriage as living a life with a person under one roof . Some enter marriage with rose-colored glasses and some with yellow-colored glasses. Such colors...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dharma and Karma

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 56 Comments
Two incidents on twitter made me write this post here. Incident 1 It was 12.37 AM in the night, BH read a tweet and said "Sh*t! Someone is in great pain and trouble. Lets see how we can help out and ran out of the room." He looked concerned. I ensured Bunni is in deep sleep and closed the door behind me to understand...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Thursday, November 03, 2011 72 Comments
We recently moved to Aamchi Pune from Namma Bengaluru. So, setting-up a new home and settling down kept me away from the blogger world for quite a long time. Please excuse me if I have missed reading your posts or commenting.  I joined BH who was in Pune from a month, on Thursday with Bunni. The task of making a...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prenatal Yoga

Thursday, October 20, 2011 52 Comments
When I got to know about a contest in Women's Web on Passport To A Healthy Pregnancy, I decided to plunge in. Writing about that delightful chapter of my life is a gratification by itself. That unfortunate moment you announce your pregnancy to the world, monsoon sets in for the next few months for the mom-soon (person...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

War of words

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 89 Comments
After a long time, it was one fateful day; I won the war-of-words with BH. He is extremely witty and hence funny most of the times. Winning the war-of-words with him is actually like winning a World level debate competition for me. And all happened on the same day! Kissing the trophy and holding out the trophy in my...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Damn Him!

Friday, September 23, 2011 93 Comments
I had to work late, so I stayed back at my parents’ place. It was 10 PM. The door bell screeched. Amma opened the door, a man in early 40s entered. My face turned cold with the anger. His sight had fanned the dormant flame of ferocity. I stood there staring in his face! Bloody! He did not have the cheek to face me. My...

Friday, September 16, 2011

The "Pro"crastinator

Friday, September 16, 2011 85 Comments
Sunday Evening. I returned from my parents’ place where I had chosen to put my feet up and chill out.As I stepped into the room, I was shocked to see a dull-colored hill of clothes lying all over the bed. The mercury level in my brain shot up! My head turned into a pressure cooker, I turned around to see BH welcoming...
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